We have had enquiries whether the 2023 Gormanston indoor hurling tournament includes both Hurling and Camogie. The answer is absolutely yes! We are catering for both boys and girls. Academy teams (mixed)
u8 - Born 2015
u9 - Born 2014 u10 - Born 2013 u11 - Born 2012
When we receive all applications in we put the schedule together and confirm pools/teams and times as soon as possible. With submissions nearing capacity already it will be likely the tournament will be hugely over subscribed. We will endeavour to accommodate all the clubs we can. We have an initial deadline for Friday 9th Dec for submissions.

#gormanstonhurlingtournament #indoorhurling #indoorcamogie #gormanston2023 Caters for both #hurling and #camogie teams u6-u11